There are some great new product opportunities in the new RFID-enabled world. RFID Super Scanner - Scan your surroundings and your stuff for RFID tags. Pinpoints the location exactly. RFID Mega Zapper - A high energy directed radio energy impulse designed to fry the electronics in your RFID tags. Great fun for vandals in stores! Smack your enemys wallet! RFID Spoofer - A programmable device that returns the RFID code of your choice. Great for making a copy of you luxury car key! Or your neighbours. Have fun in stores after Zapping (TM) a RFID tag and replacing it with a Spoof(TM)! RFID Data Miner - Build your own database of RFID tasks. Now you can do your own surveillance and track people. Also good in parking lots when you want to know what RFID code to feed into your spoofer for easy access to that nice car. RFID Jammer - A fun little DOS device that emits radio frequences to blind RFID readers. RFID Database Feeder - This device emits thousands of new random RFID codes every second. Great for filling the databases of those eager RFID code collectors. I think most of these tools can be built easily and are not science fiction. If they can be built, they will. Seriously, do you think RFID techniques makes the society more or less vulnerable for attacks?